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Frequently Asked Questions

Things you should know


When can I buy Shades of the Moon?

There's no determined release date. Much of the time invested is spent on Artwork that is in the process of being made and learning appropriate skills to present a formidable product, such as Book Design.


However my hopes lay that I can bring out the book sometime next year.

Why a new PnP Rulebook?

As a passionate player of Pen and Paper I've been yearning for a bigger, more creative incentivizing playground in the various Rulebooks I have played. Nothing ever seemed to quite allow me to play what I want without having to do major "Homebrew" adjustments.


My hope is that Shades of the Moon will provide the ultimate creative freedom to other players.

Why a d4 and not d20?

D20 and D6 are used by many Tabletop games, and while they have their charms I found the D4 an extremely powerful option to mitigate the "Chaos Factor" by it's decreased range of probability.


I want players that have achieved a certain Rank to be able to excel at it without having to worry entirely about the Luck-Based factor. While Luck still plays a significant role in the core rules, it is less extreme then in other Rulebooks.

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