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Welcome to Moonshades
Pen and Paper

Creativity Begins With You

A Pen and Paper / Tabletop Game

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Pen and Paper - Shades of the Moon

Shades of the Moon is a Pen and Paper (Tabletop) Game filled with innovative, creative Character Design allowing massive freedom to a Player’s and Dungeon Master’s creativity. The Rulebook contains Character Creation, Unique Lore, Crafting, Kingdom Building, Vehicle Combat and of course integral rules for overall play-ability. Come join the world of Shades of the Moon and be part of a new, creative era in the Pen and Paper / Tabletop universe.

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Join our Discord server to be informed about the latest news, present feedback to the Rulebook, ideas you wish integrated and find like-minded individuals that enjoy Pen and Paper / Tabletop Games.


Most of the Rulebook has been financed by myself and it's nearing it's conclusion, but any help is always welcomed but in no way mandatory. Below you can find the Link to the Patreon. Thank you for considering!

Contact Us

Auf dem Hohen Stein 7, 53809 Ruppichteroth


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